Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Assignment 1

1a) According to Organic Inc it would appear that people often choose their food on the basis of taste.

1b) I do agree that food is often chosen on the basis of taste, however I don’t agree that we can make broad generalization about how food choices are made because it is very different for each person. To some taste could be the only factor, to others simply the nutritional value or perhaps the convenience or perhaps based upon dietary needs and perhaps many according to the price. I feel that it is necessary to not that some currently choosing food based upon price may not have a choice in the matter and perhaps if prices were lower then they would change their criteria. As for myself, food choices are made on the basis of nutritional value to my body. Second to nutritional value I make choices according to how the food is made (organic and local) and if these requirements are fulfilled, I choose based upon taste. I likely make these choices because my family has always been concerned with nutritional value and eating healthy foods.

2a) The film “Super Size Me” gives a bit of a grim outlook for the future of food. Morgan in this film would have us believe that ALL fast food companies are out to get us and their only aim is to make us fat and take our money. Rather than simply educate us on the harmful effects of eating fast food in excess, I feel that Morgan took more of a “scare tactic” approach in this film. While it is true that Morgan had an enormous decline in health, body composition and organ function, it should be noted that he did not exercise during the 30 day period and he did not make any attempt to choose the Macdonald’s foods that were less harmful. I do believe that Macdonald’s food is very unhealthy and should not be eaten very often, but if I had to eat at Macdonald’s for 30 days I would have the self discipline to pick my foods very carefully and I would also make sure to exercise regularly during that time. After reviewing the website I have concluded that you could potentially eat a decent meal with a grilled chicken salad with low fat Newman’s Own salad dressing coupled with 2% milk or water rather than a soft drink and no fries. Classic chicken sandwich that you can order grilled rather than crispy which could also be ordered without fried and with milk. For breakfast there are hotcakes that could be ordered without syrup and there is also a sausage burrito which is not too bad. The film “Super Size Me” was an excellent opportunity to educate people about why most Mcdonald’s food is so unhealthy and how they can make wise choices about fats, sugars, oils, calories etc. I feel strongly that people need to be disciplined and learn how to make good choices rather than simply be scared away from certain foods.

2b) It is clear the Organic Food is more pricey in the market than non organic food. There are also many external costs associated with this type of food or I should say of not eating organic. One is the amount of chemical fertilizer that is saved from eating organic and potential antibiotics or pesticides that are used. Another cost which is represented in the price is the lower yield that is associated with organic farming and the fact that it is more labor intensive than conventional farming. In trade for these things however, you get a higher nutritional value, better taste and a clean conscience. The books “Omnivores Dilemma” and Organicize Me” touch on all of these points in different ways.

3) A cooperative business structure is one is which the members of the cooperative are also owners of the cooperative. The structure is one member, one share, one vote. Voting is another important part of this structure because all of the members have the chance to be intimately involved in the decision making process of the co-op. In addition to voting members often receive dividends from the organization.

4) My first impression of the business expansion at Peoples is that they have had great success. I have been to other co-op that are not as successful as People’s and I believe the difference is a clear vision and strong ideals. Customers seem to respond well to this environment where they know exactly what kind of product they will receive. Peoples does not attempt to carry a better version of all the things that other supermarkets hold, they simply carry what they can feel proud about it seems. I think they are running a good business because of this narrow vision. It seems though they have many ideas for further expansion which could derail them if they do not stay focused. I don’t think the goal should always be to get bigger.

5) It seems People’s has made a huge attempt to brand itself as the community brand. I think their brand can be summed up in the name “People’s”. For the people, by the people, owned by the people is the impression that I get. When you look at the website, the most noticeable feature is all the pictures of happy smiling people from the community, when you see the store you notice the large sign reading People’s and when you are in the store the employees are very friendly and there is a noted emphasis to show that foods are local and just how local they may be. For these reasons I believe their brand identity is local community.

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